What if you learned that

the secret to thriving health, creative endeavors, business, and family life came from mastering your energy and learning how to mother yourself?

It all starts with self nourishment

Like plants, we humans grow and thrive when we are well-rooted and connected to the deep Divine resources available to us.

So often, women pour into their creative ventures, their careers, relationships, and family, yet feel depleted, unhappy, or blocked. Their health and spirituality can suffer, leading to confusion over what the missing piece of the puzzle might be.

Contrary to the way many people were taught, nurturing our creations, relationships, and families actually happens when we learn how to nurture and meet ourselves first. Through learning to tend our interior landscapes and cultivate a Divine connection, we replenish ourselves, drink from the deep Well, and find ourselves having the resources to meet every other part of our lives with ease and grace.

Kristen assists individuals in finding this kind of deep healing through 1-1 coaching, group offerings, and evergreen courses. She connects you with the tools to help you first meet yourself with the tenderness, presences, and the love of a mother, and then equips you with the tools to carry the practices forward into your business, relationships, family, and creations.

Healing through community connection

Every part of creation reflects a brilliant design that exists within sacred community. We see it in:

  • Our spiritual connections to one another within the quantum web of existence

  • The intricate symphony of cellular structures that together make up tissue, blood, bones, and organs in the body

  • The way plant and animal systems are organized into groves, packs, families, and groups

And we are culturally coming back to the concept of a village…a safe place where we can all hold space for each other’s becoming.

With these concepts in mind, Kristen has created several group offerings that offer affordability and flexibility to meet women’s busy lifestyles and allow them to feel held and nourished.

One on One Coaching

MotherWell (TM) is Kristen’s signature 1-1 coaching offering for people who want to take their healing journey to a deeper, more personal space that starts with nurturing the self well in order to step into your wider calling and pour into your creations. You might be a great fit for this deep dive experience if you find yourself:

  • confronting lingering habits and generational patterns that keep you from meaningfully pursuing your calling

  • feeling uncomfortable stepping into your power

  • struggling with overwork and depletion

  • showing up for others, but having difficulty consistently meeting yourself and self-nurturing

  • ready to do anything it takes to come into self nurturance so you can tend all the other aspects of your life

Meet Kristen

Kristen is an innovator and paradigm shifter in wellness, bridging the gap between spirituality and science. Kristen works with Mothers, Creatives, Healers, and Paradigm-Shifters by helping them learn the sacred process of mothering themselves and tending their sacred wells so they can carry forward deep nourishment into their careers, creations, relationships, and families. Kristen empowers clients by helping them establish deep spiritual connection, balanced emotional wellness, integrative health tools, and quantum awareness to help them achieve profound long term results.

Kristen’s belief is that healing internal family systems is the most profound medicine, and when families (usually through the mothers) find restoration, there is a ripple effect into communities and the world.

 3 ways to Work with Kristen


Group immersions are an amazing way to connect with sacred community, deepen your connection, and experience the beauty of shared life experiences while in safe healing setting.

Each group container offers an array of spiritual practices, integrative energy work, Constellations practice, and creative prompts.


One-on-one coaching and energy work allows you to take a personal deep dive into your own journey, connect with your amazing strengths, and the subconscious and ancestral blind spots that may be keeping you from the sense of purpose, freedom, and connectedness to creativity that you desire.

Each 4 month coaching space includes:

  • 4 monthly 90 minute sessions with Kristen

  • 4 months of realtime WhatsApp voice messaging with Kristen to share “aha” moments, dreams, inspiration, synchronicities or any questions that arise


Evergreen courses and e-books offer you instant empowerment and ready-to-use tools that you can immediately implement into your life. From personal spiritual practices to tools for creative expansion, mothering, and energy hygiene - these are techniques that can elevate your personal healing journey and life calling.

let’s make some Magic

Reach out to work with me and we can partner in your healing journey together!

Kind words from clients

“Kristen is a skilled and brilliant intuitive practitioner. Her ability to hold space, listen deeply, and apply the tool needed for change has been transformational and life-changing for me.”

— TN Client

“After just one session, my being felt lighter, peaceful, and my blood pressure had lowered significantly. I’m equipped to navigate tricky relationships and have a deep sense of peace in situations that normally would have triggered me.”

— TN Client